Monday, August 10, 2015

Videos not working after Windows 10 upgrade HP DV6-xxxx AMD

Ok, this was really bothering me. I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and wouldn't you know it, some videos would work, and others would not in Edge and Chrome browsers. Couldn't figure it out. Stumbled across this page and this solved my problems. It is hit and miss for some users, but this did work for me. Follow this link and download the 32 or 64 bit version for windows 8.1.

Edit #1: This also worked for my HP desktop that also has AMD A8 style processor.

Edit #2: the version 15.7.1 and the beta 15.8 Causes the video to STOP working. You need to find Beta version 15.6 of the AMD drivers.

Monday, August 3, 2015

How to Fix Error 80240020 While Installing Windows 10 Free Upgrade

Just a really quick potential fix for others having this issue,its quite simple. If you are noticing this happening:

Then you are like me, and Windows 10 free upgrade is not working. Here is the solution I used.

Go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete everything inside that folder (I have already deleted it and started the Windows 10 upgrade process):

After you delete what is in the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder, open up a command prompt as an administrator and type: wuauclt.exe /updatenow and hit enter.

After this, open up your windows update and you should see the download has already started.

 Enjoy Windows 10!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dell Poweredge 1950 Import Foreign Configuration Strike F1

This could mean a few things, a drive has failed and you inserted a new drive, hopefully it was a raid other than 0 right? Or it could also be that an issue happened on a reboot and all you need to do is import the foreign configuration.

During POST Boot to the CTRL-R utility, make sure you are on the  VD Mgmt screen, highlight controller at the top-left, hit F2,  select Foreign, then select Import.

Now, if you are just wanting change drive to install a new OS for testing purposes, it is the same process, but you will need to initialize the NEW drives and create a new raid set. Do NOT, I repeat do NOT initialize the source main drives when switching back or you will lose everything. Also check the boot order of drive sequence in bios after changing back to the original drives. I was getting the F1 to reboot because something else was the 1st selection and for some reason, the system did not try to go to the second (PERC controller) for boot.