Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dell Poweredge 1950 Import Foreign Configuration Strike F1

This could mean a few things, a drive has failed and you inserted a new drive, hopefully it was a raid other than 0 right? Or it could also be that an issue happened on a reboot and all you need to do is import the foreign configuration.

During POST Boot to the CTRL-R utility, make sure you are on the  VD Mgmt screen, highlight controller at the top-left, hit F2,  select Foreign, then select Import.

Now, if you are just wanting change drive to install a new OS for testing purposes, it is the same process, but you will need to initialize the NEW drives and create a new raid set. Do NOT, I repeat do NOT initialize the source main drives when switching back or you will lose everything. Also check the boot order of drive sequence in bios after changing back to the original drives. I was getting the F1 to reboot because something else was the 1st selection and for some reason, the system did not try to go to the second (PERC controller) for boot.